
The climber’s quarantine.


With the gyms closed and the prohibition of rock climbing during this health crisis, climbers are facing this unexpected situation with a withdrawal syndrome. I know, you miss it. But what if you do something about it and get out of this quarantine stronger than before? Is it possible? It is well known that in … Read more

Experience the unknown: A climbing exercise


I use to have everything under control. It is almost an obsession and it is an issues I am trying to overcome. As I wrote in the previous post about Surrender to the rock, release control is about have faith and not being attached to a specific outcome. Allow things to happen. In this post … Read more

Surrender to the rock: When giving up control helps climbing


You probably need to have things under control. The feeling of being in control may be healthy in a limited way. There is a point in which you may be what is known as a control freak in the psychology slang. Take a moment and think about how much are you trying to control everything … Read more

Attitude in climbing: What is it and how it’s learned

attitude, what is it

All of us heard about how attitude may influence our chances of success at some purpose or another. But what is exactly an attitude?  It is a set of emotions, beliefs and behaviors toward a particular object, person, thing or event. They often carry some degree of aversion or attraction. For instance, your attitude determines … Read more

Perfectionism: Climb to detect and overcome it.

avoid perfectionism

We would like perfection. All of us. Execute every movement as we imagined, or simply get where we want the way we want. But there is a moment when perfectionism becomes toxic. It ceases to be a will to improve and becomes the pursuit of an impossible reality, which does not consider the different factors … Read more

Competitive mind: You can escape from it and enjoy.

We live in this kind of world. Everything is a competition and you have to play in this environment. Or maybe not. Maybe you can change the game. And use climbing for it. Competitiveness is an epidemic nowadays. It causes us more disadvantages than benefits. You may feel it in several aspects of your life … Read more

The climbing journey: Selecting your goals based on the process

Life is a journey. Consciousness is a journey. Climbing is a journey. A journey is a journey. Everything is a journey and that’s the important part, not the destination. The destination is just the beginning of another journey. So, while climbing, you better focus in the journey, on enjoying your climb, the different kind of … Read more

Two worth-to-try easy steps to follow when it gets harder

Sometimes things get challenging or they are not like we thought they were about to be. Sometimes we make projections of how it is going to be, how to climb this specific section of the wall, or with the idealistic difficulty of the pitch. Then, we fail to grab the grip, or the sequence is … Read more