What is the law of reversibility and how does it work?
The law of reversibility is based on a very simple concept. If A created B, B can create A. In a practical way we can analyze the following examples:
-Light produces heat / Heat produces light
-Electricity produces magnetism / Magnetism produces electricity
-Voice produces waves /Waves produce voice (radio)
How can I use the reversibility law?
Bringing the law of reversibility to an emotional level we can say that, if certain situations affect your emotional state, inducing the same emotional state can manifest the same situations.
Negative emotions produce negative situations / Positive emotions produce positive situations.
Applied to climbing
In climbing, we must try to banish certain negative emotions that cause bad results. Emotions such as fear or frustration and self-sabotage thoughts. These negative emotions, which are sometimes the consequence of a bad result, are also their cause. In other words, it is a circle that feeds back. Let’s see an example in the following image:

Falling down when trying to send the route can cause a series of negative emotions that can lead us into the circle. To reverse this situation, you can wait to get the send, training more or coming back another day that you are more relaxed.
But you can also break the pattern.
You can concentrate and change your emotions consciously without the need for external stimulus, thus entering the circle you do want to be in:

It is a mindset. If you feel powerful and confident, you will have a good attitude towards the route and therefore much more chance of success on it.
So, despite the fact that you have failed an attempt, if you decide to feel happy and confident about the path and your abilities, your chances of succeeding are greatly increased.
Good feeling – Achievement / Achievement – Good feeling
The order of factors does not alter the end product. You can choose where you want to start.
From physical to psychological
Your mental state can produce your physical state and vice versa (your physical state can produce your mental state). For example, being mentally exhausted can make us feel our body tired, and vice versa.
In the picture of the circle we have seen how to influence an external result by controlling an aspect of ourselves. But how can I control the inner part?
You can also use the law of reversibility to produce internal changes. Let’s look at a couple of examples.
When we are tense or afraid our breathing tends to be shallow and rapid. However, when we are calm and confident, our breathing is deep and calm. By applying the law of reversibility to the breath, we can induce the desired mental state (confidence and tranquility) by breathing consciously according to the purpose (deep and slow breathing).
When you feel strong and empowered, your posture tends to be upright and your chest fully open. When you feel frustrated or powerless, your posture tends to be retracted, chest closed, shoulders drooping forward.
By simply consciously changing your posture you can trigger the desired state of mind. Approach your project with your head up, your back straight, your shoulders back and your chest open, and you will have a much better chance of entering the positive circle (sending – feeling good – sending…)
Fake it until you make it
Fake until you make it is an aphorism that suggests that by imitating confidence, competence and an optimistic state of mind, a person can see those qualities realized in their real life. The classic of trusting yourself to get better.
Pretending to be a good climber can help you become one. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy or doesn’t require effort. Good climbers put in the effort, push themselves, train, climb a lot, develop confidence in their abilities, and deal with a lot of emotions (on the wall and in their life). So, pretending to be a good climber will make you one as long as you are willing to play the role.
And to play the role correctly you will need the support of your mind.
The mind does not differentiate between what is real and what is imaginary.
Therefore, if visualize yourself doing good at climbing and believe in it, your mind will collaborate with you to achieve your goal. If you concentrate on it, your progress will be inevitable.